Responding to Covid-19
As the city hunkers down to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus, Seeds of Hope is stepping up their efforts to ensure access to healthy, nutritious food by providing fresh fruits and vegetables to families struggling with food insecurity – especially during this crisis, which has made their circumstances even more dire.
While the ministry has had to make changes in the shape and scope of their work, Seeds of Hope is continuing to distribute fruits and vegetables at sites across LA county and, for all those who are stuck at home due to the Safer at Home initiative, the team will be sharing original and curated digital content here that includes cooking, nutrition, and gardening videos, healthy recipes, as well as tips and resources for remaining healthy during this time!
While the ministry has had to make changes in the shape and scope of their work, Seeds of Hope is continuing to distribute fruits and vegetables at sites across LA county and, for all those who are stuck at home due to the Safer at Home initiative, the team will be sharing original and curated digital content here that includes cooking, nutrition, and gardening videos, healthy recipes, as well as tips and resources for remaining healthy during this time!
We partner with friends across Los Angeles to get healthy food to folks who need it. If you need to access these resources, click below:
Video Resources
Fitness Resources